I have been sewing a lot this week, and my tote inventory is building back up. Last night I made this tote-ally cute bag which is perfect for your favorite teacher. I can see it filled with supplies and a wonderful welcome gift for a new school year.
Check out the fabric, this is Debbie Mum fabric complimented with a black/white dot fabric. The lining is solid black with a splash of the dot fabric at the top of the lining.
Not sure if I will get another tote made now before next week as I need to pack for my weekend. I am joining the Hilltop Memories, www.hilltopmemories.com gals for a fun weekend of scrapping at Kenilworth Lodge in Sebring, Florida.
I wanted to thank a friend of mine and very lovely lady for all the very nice comments on her blog she sent out yesterday about my totes/purses....thanks MC! Check out her blog. You can link to it from my list....MC's Friendship Corner.
Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy doing the things you like to do....
Hugs to you,